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Byzantine missionary activity in the north littoral Black sea area
Author(s) : Khrushkova Liudmila (10/24/2008)Translation : Andriopoulou Vera
For citation: Khrushkova Liudmila, "Byzantine missionary activity in the north littoral Black sea area",Encyclopaedia of the Hellenic World, Black SeaURL: <>
taktikon 1. Adm.: A major source for the organization and development of Byzantine administration. In the Middle Byzantine period the taktika, as presedance lists ( τακτικά πρωτοκαθεδρίας or τακτικά της καθέδρας or κλητορολόγια or κλητοροθέσια) catalogued the officials who participated to the formal ceremonies of the imperial palace. Four precedence list are still preserved: Uspenskij, Philotheos', Benescevic, de l' Escurial. 2. Mil.: A "Taktika" is a famous manual for strategic and tactical military operations by land and by sea. Author in the early 10th century. at Leo F. The text preserved in a compendium and complete the form and influenced the drafting of such handbooks as downstream strategic. 3. Eccl.: The “taktiko”, known also as “Notitia episcopatuum” or syntagmation , in the administration of the Church is a classification list of ecclesiastical authorities according to hierarchy.
typikon Foundation document of a monastery compiling the rules regarding its administrative organization and liturgic rituals, as well as the comportment inside a cenobitic monastery. The monastic typika could also include the biography (vita) of the monastery founder along with a catalogue of the movable or immovable property of the monastery. They constitute an important source for the study of the monastic life, while at the same time they shed light on many aspects of the Byzantine society. The liturgical typika were calendars with instructions for each day’s services, liturgical books with rules arranging the celebration rituals.
1. The state of research
2. Apostolic tradition
3. The Early Byzantine period
4. The Iconoclastic Period
5. The Middle Byzantine and Palaiologan periods
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