The battle of Varna (10 November 1444) was an outcome of the last great “crusade”, undertaken by Western powers, particularly Hungarians, Serbs, Venetians and the Pope, in order to stem the Ottomans’ advance into Europe. This particular “crusade” included a series of expeditions in the wider Danube area during 1443-1444, negotiations (truce of Adrianople, July 1444), as well as the campaign culminating in the battle of Varna (September-November 1444), which was decisive for the geopolitical... |
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Military expedition of Diophantus in the Crimaea |
The campaign of Diophantus, general of Mithridates VI Eupator, took place between 110 and 106 BC against the Scythians of Taurica, with the aim of protecting the Tauric Chersonese. Diophantus’ victory, as well as his diplomatic and military activities in Panticapaeum and Theodosia led to the destruction of the Scythian kingdom and Mithridates' dominance in Taurica and the Cimmerian Bosporus. |
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Military expedition of Philip II against the Scythians |
Persecution of Greek populations at the Bulgarian coast of the Black Sea, 1906 |
During the summer of 1906, an anti-Greek movement manifested itself in Bulgarian cities and villages where there were Greek communities, especially on the coast of the Black sea and Eastern Romelia. Rallies were organized with pickets and resolutions of protest. As a result of this persecution, the Greek communities dissolved, their property was encroached and most Greeks migrated from Bulgaria. |
Roman expeditions against the Dacians, Getae, Scythians and Sarmatians |
The famous Russian-Turkish treaty of Küçük Kaynarca (1774) radically changed the geopolitical status of the era, whereas its terms had a drastic influence to the fortunes of the Greek world too. The Greeks under the legal protection of the treaty improved their living conditions and created the necessary requirements for the emancipation from Ottoman rule. |
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Покрштавање Кијевске Русије |
Постепено покрштавање Руса почело је после њиховог напада на Цариград 860. године, али је познавало и периоде снажног враћања на паганство. Упркос, неким спорадичним покушијима у 10. веку, као што је активност кнегиње Олге, Руси су примили хришћанство из Византије 988. године. Овај догађај од светскоисторијског значаја одиграо се у оквиру сложених односа Византије и Русије и био је праћен доласком руске војне дружине у Цариград, која је помогла Василију II да сачува престо, као и одласком... |
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