1. Ps. Scymn. Per. 5.586-589. The town must have been recorded in Ephorus and Demetrius of Kallatis. 2. Eustathios in Comm. ad Dionys. Per. 1. 549 3. Arr. Per. Pont. Eux. 16.6.1: ἀπὸ δὲ Κορδύλης ἐς Ἑρμώνασσαν πέντε καὶ τεσσαράκοντα. καὶ δεῦρο ὅρμος. 4. Strab. Geogr. 11. 2. 10. 5. Dion. Per. Oik Per. 553. The author adds that the town was beautifully built (εὔκτιτος) and was founded by the Ionians, like Phanagoria. 6. Plin. HN 6.6: oppida in aditu [Bospori primo] Hermonasa, dein Cepoe Milesiorum, mox Stratoclia et Phanagoria. 7. Pomp. Mela, De Chorogr. 1. 112: Quatuor urbes ibi sunt, Hermonassa, Cepoe, Phanagoria, et, in ipso ore, Cimmerium. 8. Ruf. Avien. Descr. Orb Terr. 720: sedet eminus ingens Phaenagore, et muros attollitur Hermonassa haec maris. The author considerably uses the information of Dionysius from Alexandria. 9. Amm. Marc. 22. 7. 30: Phanagorus et Hermonassa studio constructae Graecorum. 10. Tab. Peut. 9. 1., Hermonassa. 11. Rav. Cosmogr. 368. 76, Ermonasa. 12. Steph. Byz. s. v. Ψησσοί: "ἔπειτα δ’ Ἑρμώνασσα καὶ Κῆπος [πόλις], τρίτον δὲ τὸ Ψησσῶν ἔθνος“ (citing Apollod.). 13. On the location of the town, west of Phanagoria: Griechevich, K. E., “Gorodishte Taman”, in: Griechevich, K. E (ed.), Opit metodologii arheologichskoi nauki, (Sevastopol 1826) p. 19-26; Gaidukevich, V. E., Das Bosporanische Reich, (Berlin-Amsterdam 1971) p. 34. Hermonassa remained the most important town in the Taman peninsula. 14. Strab. Geogr. 11. 2. 9 makes the clear distinction between the town of Corocondame (today Cape Tuzla) and the lake of Corocondamitis, in which a branch of the Hypanis River flows. 15. Eustath. Comm. ad Dionys.Per. 1. 549. 16. Eustath. Comm. ad Dionys.Per. 1. 549; Dion. Per. Oik.Per. 553 = Latyshev, V. V., Izvestia drevnih pisateli grecheskih is latinskih o Skifii i Kavkaze, I –II, (St. Petersburg 1850-1906) (further on SC 1) p. 183; 198; Plin. HN 6. 6; Dion. Per. Oik.Per. 553. 17. K.S. Gorbunova, Black-figured Attic Vases in the Hermitage (Leningrad 1983); Sidorova, N.A., Tugusheva, O.V., and Zabelina, V.S., Antique Painted Pottery in the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts, Moscow, (Moscow 1985); Sidorova, N. A., ”Archaic painted pottery from Hermonassa” (in Russian), SoobCMII 8 (1989) p. 110-125; Pichikyan, I. R. “Two red-figure vases from Hermonassa” (in Russian), SoobCMII 8 (1989) p. 126-136. At a depth of 9 m. the excavations revealed 6th c. B. C. Rhodian Wild Goat Style pottery, fragments of Rhodian kylikes adorned with rosettes surrounded by red stripes; Zeest, I. B., “Arhaicheskie sloi Germonassy” KSIA 83 (1961) p. 53-58; id. “Razkopki Germonassy” KSIIMK 74 (1959) p. 58-63. The rich Rhodian material could indeed be an indication of the considerable Rhodian colonists' contribution to the foundation of Hermonassa. 18. Treister, M. J., Shelov-Kovedyaev, F. V., “An Inscribed Conical Object from Hermonassa”, Hesperia 58 (1989) p. 289-296; 19. On the date see: Bernhard, M. L., Sztetyok, Z., s.v. “Hermonassa”, in: PECS p. 389; Koshelenko, G. A., Kuznetsov V. D., in Lordkipanidze P., Leveque, P. (eds.) Le Pont-Euxine vu par les Grecs: Sources écrites et archéologie. Symposium de Vani (Co1chide)-septembre-octobre 1987 (Annales litteraires de l'université de Besançon 427 (Paris 1990) p. 67-84; Koshelenko, G. A., Kuznetsov, V. D., “Greek colonization of the Bosporus” in G. R. Tetskhladze (ed.): The Greek colonisation of the Black Sea area. Historical interpretation of archaeology (Historia Einzelschriften 121) (Stuttgart 1998) p. 249-264; Tsetskhladze, G., “Greek colonisation of the Black Sea area: Stages, models and native populations”, in G. R. Tetskhladze( ed.): The Greek colonisation of the Black Sea area. Historical interpretation of archaeology (Historia Einzelschriften 121) (Stuttgart 1998), p. 9-68 20. Arzamanov, G. F., “An Ionic capital from Hermonassa” (in Russian), VDI 4 (1989): 49-54. 21. Shkorpil, V. V., “Bosporskoe nadpisi naidenyie v. 1913 g.”, IAK 54 (1914) p. 67-70. 22. Diod. Sic. 12. 31. 23. Boeck, A. CIG 2, p. 91-92 suggests that the progenitor of the Archaeanactids comes from Mytilene, identifying him with the person who built the Sigeion fortifications. That would explain, in Boeck’s view, the foundation of Hermonassa through the continuation of a tradition of oikistai from Mytilene. 24. Strab. Geogr. 11. 2. 10. 25. Boltunova, A. I., has published a 1st c. AD marble statue-base, VDI 1, (1989) pp. 86-92. 26. Shkorpil, V. V., “Bosporskoe nadpisi naideniie v. 1916 g.”, IAK 54 (1914) p. 111 27. Zeest, I. B., “Raskopki Germonassy”, KSIIMK 58 (1955) p. 114-121; Belin de Ballu, E. Histoire des colonies grecques du littoral nord de la Mer Noire, Paris (1960) p. 106 nr. 414. M. J. Treister; Vinogradov, Y. G., “Archaeology on the Northern Coast of the Black Sea”, AJA 97: 3 (1993), p. 558. 28. Proc. De Aedif. 3. 7. 10. The mud brick wall, the grain pits and a hearth are tentatively assigned to the 6th c. along with a possible re-planning of some buildings along a central street, Zeest, I. B. op. cit., p. 114-121; Belin de Ballu, E., op. cit., p. 102. 29. Anon. Peripl. Pont. Eux. 23 (FHG V 182). This important natural resource must have been belonged to the town from the very beginning. 30. Zeest, I. B., op. cit. 116-117. 31. Gaidukevich, V. E. op. cit., p. 153; For the trade with other centres see: Monachov, S. Iu. “Amphorae from Unidentified centres in northern Aegean (the so called Proto-Thasian series, according to I. B. Zeest)”, BSS 21 (2002) p. 247-259 32. Solovyov, S. L., “The Chora of Hermonassa”, Ancient West and East 5: 1-2 (2006) p. 121-142. 33. Sorokin, N. P., “Razkopki nekropolia Germonassy v 1956-1957 godakh”, KSIA 83 (1961) p. 40-52. 34. Sokolov, V. V. “Karta drevnyh poselenyi mogilnikov v raione stanityi Tamanskoi”, ITUAK 56 (1919) 39-63; Gaidukevich, V. P. “Tamanskii nekropol' (raskopki 1931, 1938 i 1940 g.)”, in: Nekropoli nekotory Bosporskikh gorodov [Materialy i issledovaniia po arkheologii SSSR, 69 (1959) p. 154-187; Sorokina, N. P., “Raskopki nekropolia Germonassy v 1956-1957 godakh”, KSIA 83 (1961) p. 46-52; Mongait, A. L., Archaeology in the USSR, (tr. M. W. Thompson) (1961) p. 200-201; Sorokin, N. P. op. cit. 35. Gaidukievich, V. E., Das Bosporanische Reich, p. 221. 36. Miller, A. A. “Tmanskaia expeditsia”, GAIMK (1930) p. 19. The discovery was made in the Kissaya bora tumulus. 37. IOSPE 2 no. 345. An agonothetes, Mestor, dedicates a statue to Apollo in the 4th c. BC. 38. An inscription on a statue base mentions that Akes, daughter of Pairisades, dedicates a statue to Aphrodite; Latysev, V. V., “Epigrafichskyie novosti iz iujnoi Rossyi”, IAK 18 (1906) p. 125; another inscription records a dedication of a statue during the reign of Spartokos III (IOSPE 2 no 349). It might have belonged to a large building in town (temple) elaborately decorated with fight scenes between Heracles and the Giants; Harko, L. P. “Fragment friza s izobrajeniem gygantov i s stanityi Tamanskoi”, SA 7 (1941) p. 81-93. 39. IOSPE 2 no 352. The restoration seems to have focused on the columns hall. In the 2nd c. at Hermonassa, the cult of Aphrodite became an imperial cult, part of the official state religion; Finogenova, S., Tokhtasiev, S. “Ein neues Zeugnis des Aphrodite-Kultus in Hermonassa”, Hyperboreus 9 (2003) p. 83-88. 40. Lurie, S. Ia., “Kult materi i devi v Bosporanskom tsrastve”, VDI 3 (1948) p. 207-212; Rozanova, N. P., “Posviatitelnaia nadpis Artemide Efesskoi naidenaia v Pantikapee v. 1940 g.”, VDI 3 (1960) p. 130-132. A temple was dedicated to the Goddess (Shkorpil, V. V. “Bosporskoe nadpisi naidenyie v. 1912 g.”, IAK 49 (1913) p. 63. 41. General information on research at Hermonassa: Gaidukevich, V. E. op. cit. passim; more recent: Treister, M. J. Vinogradov Y. G., “Archaeology on the Northern Coast of the Black Sea”, AJA 97: 3. (1993), p. 521-563. |