Encyclopaedia of the Hellenic World, Black Sea FOUNDATION OF THE HELLENIC WORLD
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Military expedition of Diophantus in the Crimaea

Author(s) : Gourov Alexander (12/4/2007)
Translation : Koutras Nikolaos

For citation: Gourov Alexander, "Military expedition of Diophantus in the Crimaea",
Encyclopaedia of the Hellenic World, Black Sea
URL: <http://www.ehw.gr/l.aspx?id=11275>

Εκστρατεία του Διοφάντου στην Κριμαία  (11/12/2008 v.1) Military expedition of Diophantus in the Crimaea (3/31/2009 v.1) 

Chronological Table


179 BC: Chersonesus of Taurica enters into an alliance with Pharnacus I of Pontus

121 (111) - 63 BC: Regnal dates of Mithridates VI Eupator in Pontus

110 BC: Diophantus’ first campaign against the Scythians of Taurica. First diplomatic mission of Diophantus in the Cimmerian Bosporus

109-108 BC: Second campaign of Diophantus against the Scythians

107-106 BC: Saumacus’ revolt

106 BC: Diophantus’ campaign against Saumacus; Diophantus is victorious and the Kingdom of Bosporus is finally annexed by the Kingdom of Pontus


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