Around 840: Annexation of Cherson and the adjacent territories to the system of the theme organization of Byzantium: Creation of the theme of Klimata
Around 860: Change of name from theme of Klimata to theme of Cherson
Around 896-897: Revolt of the inhabitants of Cherson. Assassination of strategos Symeon
914: Strategos of Cherson John Bogas as representative of Constantinople, made an alliance with the Pechenegs against the Bulgarians
Around 967: Kalokyres Delphinas, probably the son of a local notable of Cherson, was sent to a diplomatic mission towards the Rus’
988-989: Vladimir, prince of the Rus’ of Kiev, captured, temporarily, Cherson and its region
End of 10th – beginnings of 11th c.: Gradual restoration of the Byzantine power upon the theme of Cherson. Construction of new fortifications
Between 1016-1059: Expansion of the lands of the theme of Cherson eastwards after the defeat of the Khazars. Temporary annexation of Sougdaia and of the adjacent territories.
Around 1066: Reference to the katepano of Cherson
End of 11th c.: Loss of the eastern regions of the theme, which passed under the control of the Cumans. Renovation of the fortifications of Cherson.
After 1204: The region of the theme of Cherson passed under the control of the Empire of Trepizond