Anchialos was a town in the West Pontic area. It was originally inhabited by both Greeks and Thracians. The city flourished in the Roman period and was visited by Emperor Septimius Severus (209/211). |
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Apollonia Pontica/ Sozopol |
The ancient town is situated on the western Black Sea coast, on the present day Skamanij peninsula. The modern city covers entirely the ancient urban structures. The present day Kirik Island, once linked to the continent, was part of Apollonia. |
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The ancient Greek settlement on the small island of Berezan in modern Ukraine is one of the earliest in the Black Sea. The settlement was also known as Borysthenes. |
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Ancient Bizone was located to the south of the town of Cavarna. The ancient sources concerning this small town are limited, while its ancient remains have been found under medieval fortifications. It was probably a colony of Mesembria but Bizone's ethnic identity has not been clarified yet. However, it played an important role regarding the exchanges between the Greeks and the local Thracian tribes. Moreover, the archaeological record has provided evidence on religious activities and burials. |
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Ancient Cercinitis is located in the Crimean Peninsula. It was an Ionian colony founded probably in the 6th c. BC. Since written testimonies are either obscure or non-existent, archaeological evidence is the primary tool for the reconstruction of the city's past. Cercinitis was a member of the Athenian League and later it was annexed by the Taurian Chersonesos till its capture by the Scythians in the 2nd c. BC. Agriculture and fishing formed the basis of the economy of Cercinitis, while Olbia... |
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География на Черно море през Античността |
Черно море, Понтос Евксинус през античността, е вътрешно море между Европа и Азия. През 7 век пр. Хр. По бреговете му започва „елинска колонизация”, произхождаща предимно от град Милет. Някои от създадените тук около 70 пристанища и селища „полиси” израстват до значителни културни, политически и търговско-икономически средища. Понтос Евксинос се превръща във важен морски път с протичащ стокообмен на жито, животовъдни произведения, дървен материал, както и на риба, вино и роби. В периода ок. 72... |
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Калатис е основан през 6 в. пр. Хр. На северозападния бряг на Pontus Euxinos или Черно море от елинската колания Хераклея понтика (Heraclea Pontica). Градът е добре укрепен и се развива като търговски и пристанищен център, свързан както с местното население, така и с другите елински градове по черноморското и източносредиземноморското крайбрежие. През 72 г. пр. Хр. е присъединен към Римската империя. Подложен е на чести нападения от готи, авари, славяни и др. Към края на 6 в. окончателно запада... |
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