Fortifications and defensive systems in the west Black Sea area |
The dense chain of Greek towns and emporia in the Black Sea area and, later on, the establishment of the Roman administration required the protection of the local communities from inland and sea enemies with solid fortifications, erected in industrial or agricultural areas, which also provided the setting for the conduct of everyday social life. |
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Fortifications on the northern shores of the Black Sea |
Although almost all of the ancient Greek cities of the northern Black Sea were fortified, there is limited information available about those constructions. The parts of the fortifications revealed by archaeological excavations usually prevent the full reconstruction of the defensive system of each city. They, however, provide an indication of their general development, covering the period between the foundations of the colonies in the 6th c. BC and the 4th c. AD, when most of the cities had... |
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Rural settlements in the Kertch peninsula |
Rural settlements in the Taman peninsula |
Settlements in the Kerch peninsula |
During the 6th and 5th cent. BC Greek settlements were founded in the Kerch peninsula (Panticapaeum, Nymphaeum, Tyritake, Myrmekion, Cimmericon, Porthmion), which quickly evolved into centres of agricultural production and export. These settlements soon acquired great financial power, as indicated by the archaeological record, notwithstanding some rather sketchy, in places, excavations. |
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Settlements in the Taman peninsula |
The Taman peninsula is located in modern Russia, occupying a very important geostrategic position, as it controls the channel from the Black Sea to the Sea of Azov. In Antiquity, it geopolitical location made the peninsula a hub of colonizing activity. Among the settlements that were founded is Phanagoreia, Hermonassa, Kepoi and Gorgippia. The fertile lands of the area allowed the development of intensive agriculture, inside the cities as well as in their chorai. The financial development of... |
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География на Черно море през Античността |
Черно море, Понтос Евксинус през античността, е вътрешно море между Европа и Азия. През 7 век пр. Хр. По бреговете му започва „елинска колонизация”, произхождаща предимно от град Милет. Някои от създадените тук около 70 пристанища и селища „полиси” израстват до значителни културни, политически и търговско-икономически средища. Понтос Евксинос се превръща във важен морски път с протичащ стокообмен на жито, животовъдни произведения, дървен материал, както и на риба, вино и роби. В периода ок. 72... |
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